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Protecting Domestic Violence Victims

The UAE's extensive legal framework and support systems protect domestic violence victims through comprehensive laws and public education campaigns. This article details relevant laws, victim support mechanisms, and the government's commitment to ensuring family well-being and safety.

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Preserving Privacy: Data Protection in UAE's Healthcare Sector

The UAE's Health Data Law of 2019 mandates strict data protection measures for healthcare IT, ensuring data accuracy, security, and patient consent, aligning with international standards like GDPR. The law applies to all entities handling health data in the UAE, imposing stringent security protocols and long-term data storage requirements.

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Overview of Part 18 Offers Under ADGM Proceedings

Part 18 offers under the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) Courts outline the legal framework, procedures, and key principles guiding settlement offers within this jurisdiction. It emphasizes the importance of confidentiality, relevance, and clarity in the settlement process, ensuring fair and effective dispute resolution while maintaining legal integrity and investor confidence.

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Art of Carpet Cleaning

Protecting Domestic Violence Victims

The UAE's extensive legal framework and support systems protect domestic violence victims through comprehensive laws and public education campaigns. This article details relevant laws, victim support mechanisms, and the government's commitment to ensuring family well-being and safety.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Preserving Privacy: Data Protection in UAE's Healthcare Sector

The UAE's Health Data Law of 2019 mandates strict data protection measures for healthcare IT, ensuring data accuracy, security, and patient consent, aligning with international standards like GDPR. The law applies to all entities handling health data in the UAE, imposing stringent security protocols and long-term data storage requirements.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Overview of Part 18 Offers Under ADGM Proceedings

Part 18 offers under the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) Courts outline the legal framework, procedures, and key principles guiding settlement offers within this jurisdiction. It emphasizes the importance of confidentiality, relevance, and clarity in the settlement process, ensuring fair and effective dispute resolution while maintaining legal integrity and investor confidence.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Navigating Cyber Currents: Maritime Cybersecurity Regulations in the UAE

Maritime cybersecurity faces growing threats as IT and OT systems aboard ships become increasingly interconnected. The UAE is enhancing data protection with new regulations to safeguard personal data and foster consumer trust in both onshore and offshore jurisdictions.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Moral Damages Awards in Commercial Cases

Moral damages in the UAE involve compensation for non-pecuniary losses like emotional distress and damage to reputation, rooted in both civil law and Sharia principles. The assessment considers factors such as the severity of the wrongful act, intent, and cultural sensitivities, with case law shaping the application and evolution of these awards in commercial cases.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Force Majeure: Why Your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) Clauses Matter

Ensure your business thrives amidst disruptions with robust Force Majeure clauses and comprehensive Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) strategies. Learn how to integrate these for resilience and operational continuity.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Fintech Frontiers: Legal Landscape for Innovation and Sandboxes in The UAE

The UAE offers a dynamic environment for fintech innovation, with various regulatory bodies like the Central Bank of the UAE, ADGM, and DIFC providing supportive frameworks. These include sandboxes and special licenses to facilitate the development and testing of fintech solutions in a controlled setting. However, fintech companies must navigate challenges related to stringent regulatory requirements, data protection, and anti-money laundering compliance.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Extension of Time Claims Under Fidic Form- Failure to Inform Claims on Time Results In A Loss Of Entitlement Under The Fidic Form

Under the FIDIC Red Book, Sub-Clause 20.2.1 mandates that both employers and contractors provide timely notice of claims. Failure to adhere to this 28-day notice period results in the loss of the right to claim additional time or payment. This principle is enforced strictly in common law jurisdictions, while civil law jurisdictions may offer some leniency based on good faith and local laws.

Art of Carpet Cleaning

Doctrine Of Good Faith in Commercial Contracts Under English Law

The doctrine of good faith in commercial contracts under English law emphasizes that parties must fulfill their contractual duties with honesty and fairness. It explores how courts might imply a duty of good faith, particularly in relational contracts like franchise agreements, and the implications of the Braganza and Socimer duties on contractual discretions.