Overview of Intellectual Property Issues in Cross-Border Joint Ventures

31 Jul 2023


In today's interconnected global economy, cross-border joint ventures have emerged as strategic collaborations for companies seeking to expand their market presence, access new technologies, and leverage shared resources. These partnerships often involve the exchange and utilization of valuable intellectual property (IP) rights, which presents complex challenges and considerations. Careful navigation of intellectual property issues in cross-border joint ventures is essential to ensure the protection, management, and mutually beneficial utilization of IP assets. This article offers a comprehensive overview of the key intellectual property issues that arise in such ventures and provides insights into effectively addressing them.


1. Defining Intellectual Property in Cross-Border Joint Ventures

Intellectual property encompasses various intangible assets, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, that give companies a competitive edge and safeguard their innovations, branding, and confidential information. In cross-border joint ventures, partners bring their respective IP assets to the collaboration, contributing to the venture's success. It is crucial to clearly define and categorize the IP assets involved and establish protocols for their use, ownership, transferability, and protection. This entails determining the ownership of jointly developed IP, establishing guidelines for licensing or sublicensing arrangements, and addressing potential conflicts between different IP rights.


2. Formation 

2.1 Rights Contributed By Each Party

During the formation of the joint venture, a key consideration is establishing the IP rights that each party will contribute and the timing of such contributions. The following aspects should be addressed:

  • Determine the value attributed to the IP rights, especially when they are crucial within the transaction or when one party contributes IP rights while the other primarily contributes capital. Valuation of IP rights is important as it can impact the balance of power between joint venture parties. Additionally, tax implications should be considered at this stage.
  • Assess the need for disclosing know-how, relevant IP-related information, or transferring rights related to domain names or social media accounts between the parties or to the joint venture.
  • Consider providing warranties or indemnities regarding ownership and non-infringement.
  • Determine if the required IP rights for the joint venture are owned by the parties or licensed from third parties and clarify who bears the licensing and third-party consent costs.


2.2 Access To Rights

Next, it is necessary to decide how the rights will be injected into the joint venture and at what time, based on the level of access or ownership that the parties wish to retain. For certain IP rights, including patent rights, keeping patent families together through licensing is often preferable for portfolio management, as opposed to splitting them via assignment. Assignments may result in a loss of rights if the joint venture faces insolvency. By setting license expiration at the end of the joint venture term or certain financial events, the rights automatically revert to the joint venture party. Similar outcomes may be achieved with an assignment, but additional steps and potential loss of rights in insolvency scenarios must be considered. Updating official IP registers and addressing valuation and tax issues are also essential. The key terms of any license or assignment should be established, and the agreement should be formalized in writing, incorporating standard commercial terms. This is important as the arrangement may continue after a party has disposed of its interest in the joint venture.


3. IP Ownership and Licensing Agreements 

Determining IP ownership and establishing comprehensive licensing agreements are crucial aspects of cross-border joint ventures. Extensive negotiations should take place to clarify and document the rights and responsibilities associated with IP assets. The agreements should address exclusivity, territorial restrictions, duration, sublicensing provisions, royalty payments, and mechanisms for resolving disputes. Careful consideration should be given to the complexities arising from different legal systems, cultural perspectives, and business practices. 

In the case of a licensing arrangement, the following considerations arise:

  • Determine the payment structure, such as royalties or initial payments, depending on the nature of the joint venture.
  • Define the scope of the license in terms of geographical coverage and usage restrictions.
  • Determine whether the license will be exclusive (limited to the joint venture), sole (joint venture and licensor), or non-exclusive (no restriction on the licensor or third parties).
  • Assess the appropriateness of warranties regarding title, validity, and infringement, as well as the consideration (valuable or no consideration) for the license.
  • Address sub-licensing rights granted to the joint venture and its purpose.
  • Consider the need for co-existence arrangements to avoid confusion in the market regarding ownership of the licensed rights.
  • Establish responsibility for the maintenance and prosecution of licensed rights and allocate associated costs.
  • Determine the party responsible for bringing and defending infringement claims, as well as the division of contributions or proceeds.

In the case of an assignment, consider whether a partial assignment is appropriate, particularly for rights in specific territories. When rights are licensed back to the parties by the joint venture, determine the appropriate payment for this benefit. Additionally, consider the timing of injecting IP rights into the joint venture, particularly if certain rights are highly valuable and confidential, delaying their injection until they are necessary, and the joint venture has made progress.

The contribution of IP rights may impact the resources required for the joint venture. For example, the contribution of patents or know-how may require transferring or making available personnel with knowledge of the underlying technology.


4. Protection and Management of Intellectual Property 

Preserving the value of intellectual property and preventing unauthorized use or infringement is crucial. In the context of cross-border joint ventures, partners must adhere to the IP laws and regulations of each jurisdiction involved. Thorough due diligence should be conducted to assess existing IP protections, identify vulnerabilities, and implement risk mitigation measures. Strategies for IP protection may include getting in touch with intellectual property lawyers, registering patents, trademarks, and copyrights in relevant jurisdictions, establishing internal policies for confidentiality and access control, and utilizing technological safeguards against data breaches.


5. Technology Transfer and Knowledge Sharing

Cross-border joint ventures often involve the exchange of technology and valuable knowledge. While these exchanges foster innovation and synergies, they also raise challenges related to IP protection and ownership. Partners should conduct comprehensive assessments of the IP involved in technology transfer and knowledge sharing. This entails evaluating the strength of IP rights, identifying conflicts or restrictions, and ensuring compliance with licensing agreements, confidentiality obligations, and regulatory frameworks governing technology transfer. Clear contractual provisions should be established to address the ownership of improvements, limitations on knowledge dissemination, and restrictions on transferring or licensing technology to third parties.


6. Operation of the Joint Venture 

6.1 Ownership of Newly Created Technology 

Determining the ownership of new IP rights generated by the joint venture is crucial, especially in ventures focused on R&D. In the absence of specific provisions in the joint venture agreement, default legal rules regarding IP ownership apply. This may result in the joint venture company, the joint venture partners, or a combination thereof owning the new IP rights. Regulating the ownership of new IP rights is preferable, and an assignment to the joint venture partner(s) may be required if ownership is intended to vest in them. However, co-ownership of new rights by the joint venture partners and the joint venture itself may face practical challenges in jurisdictions where co-owners can only exploit the rights collectively. The parties must also determine the rights each joint venture partner has to use the new IP and whether any competition law considerations apply.


6.2 Protection of Newly Developed Technology

Consideration must be given to protecting and maximizing the value of newly developed IP rights. This includes deciding whether the joint venture should file for protection and registration of registrable rights, determining cost-sharing arrangements, and addressing potential infringements by third parties. It's important to align the interests of the joint venture partners in handling infringements, as differing relationships with infringers can arise.


6.3 Exploitation of Newly Developed Technology

Decisions must be made regarding who will exploit the new rights: the joint venture itself, one or both joint venture partners, or a third party. This may require appropriate assignments or licenses of the rights to the exploiting party, taking into account licensing-related issues mentioned in the section on access to rights. In the EU, restrictions on parties' access to rights generated by their own R&D must be carefully considered from a competition law perspective.


7. Termination of the Joint Venture

In the case of a corporate joint venture, dealing with IP rights upon termination may be simplified if the share capital of the joint venture company can be vested in either joint venture partner through mechanisms like put or call options. Therefore, it's important to consider upfront how these rights will be handled upon termination. The primary issue is deciding which party or parties should receive the rights. One party could be granted a first option over some or all of the rights. Another possibility is to stipulate that any licenses granted to the joint venture company automatically terminate upon termination, especially if the joint venture's trademarks incorporate elements of the individual joint venture partners' trademarks. The specific solutions may vary depending on the reason for terminating the joint venture agreement. For example:

  • If termination is due to default or financial difficulties of one party, the agreement may stipulate that all existing licenses to the defaulting party cease, including its rights to any future licenses under the agreement.
  • If one party withdraws from the agreement under permitted circumstances (such as selling its interest according to specified pre-emption provisions), the agreement could state that the withdrawing party's right to future license rights ceases, while existing licenses continue subject to certain additional terms (such as royalty provisions).
  • There may be specific events concerning one party, such as its acquisition by a competitor or intervention by a regulator, which, while not constituting a default, entitle the other party to terminate. In such cases, the agreement might provide that the right of the "exiting" party to further licenses ceases, but existing licenses continue. A similar solution may be suitable in situations where each party has a unilateral right to terminate, as occasionally found in R&D joint ventures with uncertain or speculative research.

In all these scenarios and any others contemplated by the parties, it's crucial to consider the impact of termination provisions in the IP licensing arrangements on the overall commercial objectives of the joint venture.



Cross-border joint ventures offer companies opportunities for international expansion, resource sharing, and increased market competitiveness. However, intellectual property issues present unique challenges that require proactive resolution to ensure the success and sustainability of these collaborations. By defining IP assets, establishing clear ownership and licensing agreements, implementing robust protection strategies, managing technology transfer and knowledge sharing effectively, resolving disputes through appropriate mechanisms, and navigating cultural and legal differences, partners can mitigate risks and optimize the value of their intellectual property within cross-border joint ventures. Proactive and strategic IP management will not only protect the partners' interests but also contribute to the long-term success and growth of the collaboration in the global marketplace.