An Updated List of Covid-19 Fines in the UAE

11 Apr 2022

Dr. Hamad Saif Al Shamsi, UAE Attorney-General, issued an updated list that specified fines ranging from AED 1000 to 50,000 AED  for violating quarantine directives; non-compliance with safety guidelines like mask use and social distancing; spreading fake news, information, or coronavirus-related rumours. He also advised residents to abide by the law and follow the guidelines for their safety and that of others. If you are facing any legal issues with these rules you can reach out to us through our official website. Here is the updated list of the key penalties:


1. Mandatory hospitalization, quarantine rules

a) AED 50,000 fine: This fine is imposed on those who violate the mandatory hospitalization and abstain from taking the prescribed treatment despite being informed. According to the home quarantine guide, re-examination according to health procedures, or refraining from implementing them, according to the decision imposes a fine of 50,000 dirhams.

b) AED 20,000 fine: This fine is imposed when the precautionary measures are not implemented or when the quarantine instructions specified by the relevant authorities are avoided. It includes the following:

  • Cheating or providing improper information;
  •  Intentionally not disclosing the details of individuals coming to the country from abroad who are not complying with the quarantine procedures as required by the relevant authorities;
  •  Employing workers or domestic servants from abroad and not subjecting them to mandatory quarantine procedures required the relevant authorities.


2. E-tracking

a) AED 10,000 fine is imposed when a contact is not registered on contact tracing up or is not wearing the tracing app or the tracking devices or deliberately damaging them.

b) AED 1,000 fine is imposed on losing or damaging e-tracking devices or accessories.

c) AED 20,000 fine: Hacking applications or systems related to tracking quarantine cases; damaging, deleting, or changing the program/system/relevant website; obtaining related information without permission; attempting any of these actions.

d) AED 10,000 fine: Unjustified refraining from notifying the call center about the loss or damage of the e-tracking device after 24 hours from the time the connection had been lost with the quarantined person.


3. Operating hours of businesses

a) AED 50,000 fine for shopping malls

b) AED 30,000 for non-compliance with the instructions related to opening and closing of educational institutions, cinemas, sports, amusement parks, commercial centres, shopping centres, markets, shops, gardens, parks, cafes, restaurants, beaches, training centres for sports, public swimming pools, hotel swimming pools, and alike facilities.

c) AED 5,000 fine: For non-compliance with placing posters explaining that the service providers in the facilities and centres have completed the approved vaccination or that they are regularly taking PCR tests.

d) A fine of AED 10,000 fine on Violating the precautionary measures and guidelines adopted by the relevant authorities related to operating or suspending tourist maritime trips.

e) AED 20,000 fine: Failure of the establishment/facility to report about the workers who have tested positive for Covid-19 to health authorities despite the person in charge of the facility being aware of the case.

f) AED 20,000 fine: Violating regulations regarding organizing quarantine areas in private establishments.

g) AED 10,000 fine for not performing regular PCR tests for workers or service providers during the period decided by the relevant authorities.


4. Violations related to holding gatherings, meetings, and celebrations

a) AED 10,000 will be fined for organizers of gatherings and a fine of AED 5,000 for invitees for violating instructions given by the relevant authorities.

b) AED 50,000 fine for organizers and AED 15,000 for invitees for Organizing social events, such as weddings, funerals, parties, seminars, or similar events.

c) AED 10,000 fine for organizers if: Violating the instructions related to allowing a certain number of invitees, social distancing rules, or any precautionary measures relevant to organizing events.

d) AED 20,000 fine for flat or real estate owner for violating instructions regarding accommodating a group of people in one flat, or in unlicensed places


5. Individuals coming from abroad

AED 5,000 fine for individuals entering the court from abroad on violation of the precautionary measures.


6. Failure to wear masks

a) A fine of AED 3,000 fine will be imposed for not wearing masks while entering closed public spaces, shopping malls, public transportation, and walking in crowded open places. However, in private transportation, this would not be the case if:

  • In the vehicle, there is only the driver or;
  • Family members and theirdomestic servants;
  • Second-degree relatives.

b) A fine of AED 5,000 for firms, and AED 500 for workers who fail to wear masks at workplaces, and shared housing for workers.

c) Allowed number of passengers in one vehicle:

  • Motorcycles (driver only)
  • Pickup trucks (driver and one passenger)
  • Other vehicles (driver and two passengers)



7. Social distancing measures

A fine of AED 3,000 fine for those who do not follow social distancing rules as directed by the relevant authorities. A fine of AED 20,000 fine for shopping malls and AED 10,000 for other facilities for mon-installation of thermal cameras, violating measures of social distancing, and allowing crowd.


8. Refusing to undergo medical tests

A fine of AED 5,000 for those who refuse to undergo the PCR tests on set dates or upon the relevant authorities’ request.

A fine of AED 1,000 for not taking the PCR test again within two weeks or on the request of relevant authorities in government health labs, or undergoing testing without necessity or request.


9. Tuition classes

A fine of AED 30,000 for teachers and AED 20,000 for the owner/person who is responsible for the place where tuitions are imparted.


10. Promoting fake news

AED 20,000 fine for promoting or publishing misleading news, information, or rumors about health information related to the Covid-19 pandemic or the precautionary measures implemented by the relevant authorities; or encouraging people to not abide by these measures or attempts to ridicule them.


11. Data privacy

A fine of AED 20,000 will be imposed on whoever tries to collect, copy, broadcast, disclose, publish, or circulate health information of the covid-19 patients or those tested and treated by the health authorities; or makes any changes in the relevant information or destroys it.